Missoula City Council Meeting Agenda

Meeting #:
Council Chambers (in person) or TEAMS (virtually)
Attend in person: City Council Chambers, 140 W Pine, Missoula MT

Microsoft Teams meeting

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For more ways to watch the meeting and submit public comment, see the Citizen Participation Guide.

Issues?  Call the City Clerk 406-552-6078.

If anyone attending this meeting needs special assistance, please provide 48 hours advance notice by calling the City Clerk Office at 406-552-6073.



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(Items on the consent agenda were approved in City Council committees to be placed on the consent agenda to save time at Council meetings by voting on them as a package. The City Clerk will read the list aloud, so citizens watching on MCAT will know what is on the consent agenda. We’ll invite community comment on these items before we vote.)

  • Recommended motion:
  • Recommended motion:

    Approve the purchase of one (1) 2022 Toro Groundsmaster 7210-D tracked Commercial mower/snowplow for Traffic Services from Midland Implement of Billing, Montana for $61,361.62 with attachments. This unit is a cooperative purchase through Sourcewell.

  • Recommended motion:

    Approve and authorize the Mayor to sign a contract with Hi Noon Petroleum of Missoula, Montana to provided vended fuel to the City of Missoula for a period of five years beginning October 1st, 2022 with a 3.5% discount off retail price, pending the City Attorney's review for contract form.

  • Recommended motion:

    Approve and authorize the Mayor to sign 1) with Dell Technologies in the amount of $253,417.80 for the purchase of a computer server cluster 2) with Cerium Networks in the amount of $52,009.98 for the purchase of replacement computer switches, and 3) with CDW-G in the amount of $31,695.00 for the purchase of a redundant backup and disaster recovery computer appliance.

  • Recommended motion:

    Approve and authorize the mayor to sign a contract with New Concept Coatings, Inc in amount not to exceed $67,025.00 for the timber frame building maintenance at Silver and Fort Missoula Parks. 

  • Recommended motion:

    Approve and authorize the Mayor to sign a contract change order with HDR Engineering, Inc., in the amount of $170,943.12 to expand scope of engineering services for design and renovation of Northside Pedestrian Bridge.

  • Recommended motion:

    Approve and authorize the Mayor to sign a professional services agreement with WGM for consulting services for design, bidding, and construction services on the Kent Central Greenway – S Russell to Regent Project at the cost not to exceed $84,627.90.

  • Recommended motion:

    Approve and authorize the Mayor to sign an addendum to professional services agreement #A-8737 with Metta Urban Design for work related to the City Growth Policy update for a total amount equal to $90,000.

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(Items listed under Final Consideration have had a public hearing.  The hearing was held open to allow time for additional public comment before final consideration and action by the City Council. The chairperson of the standing City Council committee will make a motion. We invite community comment on each item.)

  • Recommended motion:

    [Second and final reading] Adopt an ordinance granting the TDS Metrocom LLC cable television franchise.

  • Recommended motion:

    Adopt the program year 2021 Consolidated Annual Performance and Evaluation Report for Housing and Urban Development funded programs

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(State law and City Council rules set guidelines for inviting community comment in a formal way on certain issues.  Following a staff report on each item, the City Council and the Mayor invite community comment.  City Council holds a public hearing open for a week and then voting the following week, unless there is a requirement for final action on the night of the public hearing.)  

The public hearing will be opened on September 26, 2022, at which time the City Council will hear all objections that may be made to the resolution. At the close of the public hearing the City Council will take up this item for final consideration that same evening.

  • Recommended motion:

    Adopt the resolution relating to the creation of a Missoula Local Government Building Special District and declaring it to be the intention of the City Council to create a special district to provide for the acquisition, ownership, improvement, maintenance, operation and administration of the Federal Building located at 200 East Broadway.

Due to a deadline of September 30, 2022, the City Council will make their final decision on the grant application and MOU the same night. 

  • Recommended motion:

    Authorize the Mayor to sign the Edward Byrne Justice Assistance Grant Memorandum of Understanding between the County of Missoula and City of Missoula and award documents.  

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(Items listed under committee reports were not approved unanimously in City Council committees. The chairperson of the standing City Council committee will make a motion. We invite community comment on each item.)

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