Missoula City Council Committee of the Whole Minutes

Council Chambers (in person) or TEAMS (virtually)
Attend in person: City Council Chambers, 140 W Pine, Missoula MT
Members present:
  • Amber Sherrill, 
  • Stacie Anderson, 
  • Mirtha Becerra, 
  • Bob Campbell, 
  • Daniel Carlino, 
  • Sierra Farmer, 
  • Gwen Jones, 
  • Kristen Jordan, 
  • Eric Melson, 
  • Mike Nugent, 
  • Jennifer Savage, 
  • and Sandra Vasecka 





​​​​​​​​The minutes were approved as submitted.



No public comment.



A resolution calling on all governments around the world to facilitate de-escalation and a ceasefire in the Israel-Hamas conflict to prevent death and violence in all forms.

Amber Sherrill takes additional public comment on the proposed Cease-Fire Resolution and proposed Amendment thereof.

Marilyn Marler, a state representative, spoke in support of a no-vote and discussed issues with the proposed resolution.

Jeff Guscio spoke to his concerns with the international issues, antisemitism, and against the proposed resolution.

Ed Brown gave public comment on his concerns within the community and against the resolution.

Rabbi Mark Kula, spoke to his community involvement, supported a no-vote on the resolution or otherwise tabling the issue.

Brennan Work gave public comment on similar resolutions in Seattle and Minneapolis that passed, and his support for the resolution. 

Brandy Atanasoff provided public comment in support of a no-vote and her supporting statements.

Mark Anderlik, Ward 6, gave public comment International Court of Justices and their lack of jurisdiction over Palestine, and his support of a no-vote.

Andy Hoezel, Ward 2, gave public comment concerning issues with not passing the resolution and in support of a yes-vote.

Nicole Gomez, on behalf of Montana Women Vote, gave public comment calling for a yes-vote on the resolution.

Theodore Adams gave public comment in support of an amendment.

Amber Sherrill provides redirect for commenter to address the chair.

Mirtha Becerra calls for a Point-of-Order to not attack council members.

Amber Sherrill redirects commenter to address the chair and provides notice of time allotted.

Amber Sherrill reminds public commenters personal attacks on council members will not be tolerated.

Robbie Liben, Ward 1, provided his options on the matters at hand and his support for a yes-vote on the resolution.

Stacie Anderson withdraws her proposed Amendment.

City Council provided comment. 

Kristen Jordan shared a spreadsheet tallying emails she received concerning support both for and against the resolution and speaks to her favorable vote for the resolution.

Sierra Farmer speaks to her cease-fire no vote.

Bob Campbell speaks to his no vote, and opines it is not the purview of City Council to weigh-in on such matters.

Sandra Vasecka comments on emails she received and speaks to her no-vote.

Amber Sherrill speaks to the issue at hand, her concerns for community safety, and speaks to her no-vote.

Mike Nugent provided detailed background information on the situation and to his motion to Table the resolution.

Daniel Carlino questions the number of times a vote will transpire on the same motion.

Mayor Davis cites Section 160 in Masons Guide determining whether the same motion to table can be made twice.

Amber Sherrill provides support on the motion to Table. 

Mike Nugent makes the Motion to Table the Cease-Fire Resolution.

Public Comment ensues. 

Brennan Work provides public comments against Tabling resolution.

Andy Hoelzel provides public comment against motion to Table.

Mark Anderlik, Ward 6, provides public comment against motion to Table.

Marylin Marler provides public comment in support of motion to Table, or no-vote.

Ed Brown provides public comment in support of motion to Table and/or no-vote on resolution.

Mark Kula provides public comment on motion to Table and supports Tabling resolution.

The Resolution is Tabled with a vote of 7 - yes and 5 - No votes.

Council takes a five-minute break.

  • Moved by: Mike Nugent

    To table the Cease-Fire Resolution.

    AYES: (7)Stacie Anderson, Bob Campbell, Sierra Farmer, Gwen Jones, Eric Melson, Mike Nugent, and Amber Sherrill
    NAYS: (5)Mirtha Becerra, Daniel Carlino, Kristen Jordan, Jennifer Savage, and Sandra Vasecka
    Vote results: Approved (7 to 5)

Consider recommendations for improving meeting participation, efficiency, and flow that could be implemented through amendments of Council rules.

Amber Sherrill provides discussion around proposed changes to Agenda.

Mayor Davis provides information on structure of Agenda.

Eric Hallstrom Chief Operations Officer provides insight and considerations for the City Council on Agenda discussing the Billings model and Public Comment on items noticed on Agenda.

Kristen Jordan shared concerns about general comments placed at end of Agenda and accessibility to the public.

Kristin Jordan motions to vote for the resolution.  

Amber Sherrill notes there is no public comment. 

Gwen Jones shares concerns for noticing topics properly, neighborhood councils commenting at the end of the Agenda, and that it might be difficult for some commenters.

Kalina Pritchard provides comment on how neighborhoods councils could come present new information.

Eric Hallstrom noted that might fall under regular council business or special presentations.

Gwen Jones proposes it fall under special presentations.

Sandra Vasecka notes if the new Agenda is clunky if it can be revisited at a later date and asks about a countdown clock.

Mike Nugent inquires if this change removes the reading aloud of the Consent Agenda.

Mayor Davis advises council will decide, council will take all changes into consideration, and asked if the committee schedule should be read aloud.

Mike Nugent questioned whether it would be at the discretion of the chair.

Amber Sherrill advises yes, and up to the Mayor on Monday nights.

Mike Nugent questions if it can be taken as a slate.

Eric Hallstrom wants to discuss that with City Attorney.

Daniel Carlino clarifies, asking if commenters would have three minutes on each topic or three minutes all together.

Amber Sherrill advises each commenter will have three minutes on each item, and the consent agenda and committee business will only have one three-minute period combined.  

Daniel Carlino motioned for an Amendment moving that Item 10-12 should be moved to after number Item 2 on the Agenda.

Stacie Anderson speaks that she is not in support of the Amendment, there should be an order to the Agenda and someone has to go first, and it doesn't change public access to City Council.

Mike Nugent notes Public Comment on Items on the Agenda are more important than Items not on the Agenda, and will not support the Amendment.

Sandra Vasecka notes council comments should be at the end of the Agenda, and will not support the Amendment.

Jennifer Savage notes the Agenda should offer ample room for Public Comment and questions how to improve contact and communication with the public.

Amber Sherrill speaks to future improvements, advises we are still working on changes, and clarifies the potential changes to Public Comment on the Agenda.

Mayor Davis notes we are working on bringing items of pressing needs of public to the forefront. 

Amber Sherrill speaks to making City Council more efficient and more aware to better serve constituents.

Mirtha Becarra speaks to publicly noticed items on the Agenda and we should prioritize those comments first, having council comment at the end allows council to provide better answers to the public, notes it feels awkward to not be able to respond to Public Comment, and will not support the Amendment.

Daniel Carlino moves to Amend to assure the public has three minutes per item for the public to comment. 

Stacie Anderson advises a new Amendment is not in order and there is no language required for a motion.

Eric Hallstrom advises there nothing in the rules that specifies a time requirement on Public Comment.

Dale Bickell advises the time allotted is the prerogative of Mayor.

Amber Sherrill advises the amount of time will be left up to Mayor as she is running the meeting.

Gwen Jones advises the law is equal time for each person to provide comment, no matter the length of time allotted. 

A motion to Table was made by Daniel Carlino and failed with 2-yes votes and 10-no votes.

Sierra Farmer advised the resolution should be updated to reflect the recommended date for vote.

Resolution passes with 11-yes and 1-no vote.

  • Moved by: Kristen Jordan

    [Recommended vote for Feb. 7 Jan. 31] I move the council to adopt the recommended changes to City Council Rules 11 regarding the order of business and authorize the Clerk's Office to make corresponding changes to Rule 2. [Requires 2/3 vote of council.]

    AYES: (11)Bob Campbell, Sierra Farmer, Gwen Jones, Kristen Jordan, Eric Melson, Mike Nugent, Jennifer Savage, Sandra Vasecka, Amber Sherrill, Stacie Anderson, and Mirtha Becerra
    NAYS: (1)Daniel Carlino
    Vote results: Approved (11 to 1)
  • Moved by: Daniel Carlino

    Amendment on the order of Agenda and to move Public Comments to after item number 2 on Agenda

    AYES: (1)Daniel Carlino
    NAYS: (11)Stacie Anderson, Mirtha Becerra, Gwen Jones, Amber Sherrill, Sandra Vasecka, Sierra Farmer, Jennifer Savage, Mike Nugent, Kristen Jordan, Eric Melson, and Bob Campbell
    Vote results: Failed (1 to 11)
  • Moved by: Daniel Carlino

    Motion to Table the Resolution.

    AYES: (2)Daniel Carlino, and Kristen Jordan
    NAYS: (10)Mirtha Becerra, Bob Campbell, Sierra Farmer, Gwen Jones, Eric Melson, Mike Nugent, Jennifer Savage, Sandra Vasecka, Amber Sherrill, and Stacie Anderson
    Vote results: Failed (2 to 10)

Information Only - Invite staff from CPDI to Committee of the Whole to conduct a council training and process refresh in regard to Land Use process. 

Moved to future meeting by Amber Sherrill.



Updates on council involvement in community events.

Mike Nugent advised the Health Board director, Damian Chase-Begay, announced he is stepping down and they will be hiring new director of Missoula Public Health.

Kristen Jordan provided an update on the Missoula Aging Services, their Strategic Plan, and will share the Strategic Plan with council.

Eric Melson provided updates on the Missoula Civic Television Advisory Commission, programming provided, coverage, statistics (i.e. 3000 views on last municipal candidate cycle, almost 1200 views on Missoula Community Access Television YouTube channel), the University of Montana is hosting a Rubics Cube speed contest, upcoming Missoula County Public Schools elections, and an update on bylaws to Missoula Civic Television Advisory Commission including JEDI updates.

Bob Campbell provided updates on the Local Emergency Planning Committee, including avalanche response preparedness and hazards, drone technology to monitor avalanches, using reverse 911 if there is a high level of avalanche danger.  Adrian Beck gave him a tour of the Office of Emergency Management and noted they will hold a tabletop exercise for upcoming fire response.

Mirtha Becerra provided an update on the Transportation Policy Coordinated Committee and advised she will serve as chair of the committee.  She shared information about support for grant funding comprehensive projects, discussed street typologies and growth, micromobility and other transportation options.  She was appointed to the JEDI group and working to establish a JEDI citizen advisory board, noting 18 people want to serve on the board and the committee will select 9 citizens of Missoula for the JEDI board.

Sandra Vasecka announced Missoula Aging Services needs jewelry for their annual sale, she is now a human trafficking liaison and wants to bring the issue to City Council, she was appointed to the Governor's property tax force noting the 13th and 14th of February will be her first meetings.  She attended the economic forum, the old library planning meeting, and congratulated the Mayor for a successful Wednesday meeting.

Gwen Jones advised she sits on the community forum and encourages members to make sure they attend neighborhood meetings, provided updates on the midtown masterplan implementation team and advised it is in the implementation stage.  She also discussed affordable housing.   

Jennifer Savage advised she sits on the Energy and Climate Team along with Daniel Carlino, they are reinvigorating committee and are focused on legislation, air quality, waste reduction, carbon offsets, and the Inflation Reduction Act.

Amber Sherrill provided updates on the Built for Zero coalition, describing the partnership with the City, as a housing group and involved in the national program to end homelessness.  She advised the subpopulations will include Veterans, Missoula Housing Authority, Poverello, United Way, and there will be a lot of data sharing with goals to get to a functional zero for veteran homelessness by 2026.  She advised this is validated by quality data provided approximately six months ago, Emily Armstrong is leading the charge for the City, the Trinity is fully leased, the Blue Heron is fully leased, and there will be grant funded 2-year position to join Emily Armstrong's team.
