Missoula City Council Meeting Agenda

Meeting #:
Council Chambers (in person) or TEAMS (virtually)
Attend in person: City Council Chambers, 140 W Pine, Missoula MT

Microsoft Teams meeting

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Phone Conference ID:  239 973 987#

Press *5 to raise your hand to be recognized for public comment, *6 to mute and unmute

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Web stream (live or on demand) Open this meeting on the calendar and select "View Live Stream" or "Video."

For more ways to watch the meeting and submit public comment, see the Citizen Participation Guide.

Issues?  Call the City Clerk 406-552-6078.

If anyone attending this meeting needs special assistance, please provide 48 hours advance notice by calling the City Clerk Office at 406-552-6078.







(State law and City Council rules set guidelines for inviting community comment in a formal way on certain issues.  Following a staff report on each item, the City Council and the Mayor invite community comment.  City Council holds a public hearing on the item, a member of council makes a motion, and a vote is taken.  The public hearing and vote take place on the same night, unless there is a reason to hold the vote over to a later meeting date.)  

  • Recommended motion:

    Adopt a resolution to vacate a portion of the Pacific Avenue right-of-way adjacent to Lot 10 and release public utility easement provided by Resolution 3543, as shown in Exhibit A. [Second Reading]





(Items on the consent agenda were approved in City Council committees to be placed on the consent agenda to save time at Council meetings by voting on them as a package. The City Clerk will read the list aloud, so citizens watching on MCAT will know what is on the consent agenda. We’ll invite community comment on these items before we vote.)

  • Recommended motion:
  • Recommended motion:

    Approve the proposed 10-year term agreement with Arts Missoula for placement and maintenance of sculptural art in Silver Park and authorize the Mayor to sign.

  • Recommended motion:

    Set a public hearing on June 24, 2024, and preliminarily approve ordinances amending Missoula Municipal Code Title 3 entitled “Revenue and Finance,” Title 12 entitled “Streets, Sidewalks and Public Places, Title 13 entitled “Public Services,” and Title 15 entitled “Building and Construction,” for multiple code amendments which are related to the Public Works and Mobility Department, to be effective on July 24, 2024.

  • Recommended motion:

    Approve and authorize the mayor to sign a new contract for workers’ compensation coverage services with Marsh McLennan/ MT State Fund effective 7/1/2024.

  • Recommended motion:

    I move the City Council to set a public hearing on June 24, 2024, to consider the Resolution for the 3rd Quarter Fiscal Year 2024 amendments to the annual appropriations.

  • Recommended motion:

    I move the City Council set a public hearing for August 5, August 12, and August 19, 2024, with final vote taken on August 19, 2024, for resolutions on the Fiscal Year 2025 Budget, CIP, resolutions increasing certain fees, Permissive Medical Levy, and the work plans and budgets for the Downtown Business Improvement District, Tourism Business Improvement District, Park District #1, Road District #1; and assessments related to the Street Lighting Improvement Districts.



(Items listed under committee reports were not approved unanimously in City Council committees. The chairperson of the standing City Council committee will make a motion. We invite community comment on each item.)


  • Recommended motion:

    Adopt a budget timeline for consideration of the City’s fiscal year 2025 budget including: Public hearing to open on August 5 and concludes by final vote on August 19, 2024, voting on related assessments the same night, with City Council amendments to the executive budget and assessments due by Monday, August 12, and with deliberations on Council’s proposed amendments at Budget and Finance Committee meetings on August 7th and August 14th.








No Item Selected