Virtual Meeting: Live Stream and On Demand:
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Members present:
  • Dale Harris (chair),
  • Ross Mollenhauer,
  • Wendy Ninteman,
  • John O'Connor,
  • Sonja Verlanic,
  • Daniel Gundlach,
  • and Margie Costa



Guests: Mindy Mason, Dave Westfall, John Conner

Staff: Donna Gaukler, Shirley Kinsey, Morgan Valliant, Jolanda Cummings, Cassy Gladwin                                                                                                              


Donna Gaukler announced adoption of City Budget and CIP for FY21. Donna noted top projects/ initiatives approved which included Lowell School/ Westside neighborhood community concept. The department is also applying for CARES funding for additional day camp services related to Covid.

Further updates will be discussed in Agenda Item 3.1 



No public/guest comment.


Morgan Valliant introduced the request for a Glacial Lake Missoula stone marker at the Barmeyer Trail Overlook. Morgan provided information on existing markers in Missoula. The proposed stone marker meets the adopted South Hills Spur Recreation Management Plan

Morgan reviewed staff support for the project and discussed work required by department to complete. 



  • Moved by: Margie Costa
    Seconded by: Wendy Ninteman

    approve placement of the Glacial Lake Missoula stone on the South Hills Spur overlook with exact location to be determined by Missoula Parks and Recreation and Glacial Lake Missoula staff.


    AYES: (6)Dale Harris, Wendy Ninteman, John O'Connor, Sonja Verlanic, Daniel Gundlach, and Margie Costa
    ABSENT: (1)Ross Mollenhauer
    Vote results: Approved (6 to 0)

Morgan Valliant introduced the request for an outdoor classroom at Bancroft Ponds Park. Morgan provided background information of Bancroft Ponds Park, and reviewed the 1996 master plan for the area. 

Morgan reviewed the proposed location for the outdoor classroom, and stated the Conservation Lands Advisory Committee (CLAC) voted unanimously in Spring 2020 to recommend approval of request to Park Board.

John Conner, project coordinator for neighborhood committee spoke on behalf of request and reviewed timeline of project, funding sources and project summary. 

John O'Connor spoke on behalf of CLAC. He noted discussion took place regarding ways to protect students from sun, and line of sight. CLAC was pleased with thought and design of project.

  • Moved by: Daniel Gundlach
    Seconded by: Ross Mollenhauer

    amend the adopted master plan for the Bancroft Ponds Natural Area to allow for the addition of an outdoor classroom of natural stone benches located in the Northeast corner of the park.

    AYES: (7)Dale Harris, Ross Mollenhauer, Wendy Ninteman, John O'Connor, Sonja Verlanic, Daniel Gundlach, and Margie Costa
    Vote results: Approved (7 to 0)

Shirley Kinsey introduced request to establish a fee category in the special use permit for smaller groups; under 10 participants. Shirley stated that over the years the department has received comments that the daily fee and reduced seasonal rate was too high for smaller groups. 

Shirley Kinsey reviewed the proposed fee category and rate recommendation. 

Ross Mollenhauer - will for-profit tennis instructors need to pay $15/hr department fee for use? 

Shirley Kinsey- no, tennis court fee has already been established. This fee is specific for special use permit; parks, trails, other infrastructure. 

John O'Connor - can you clarify what changes will occur in fee structure with this addition?

Shirley Kinsey reviewed special use permit daily use and seasonal use rates. Rates are established by day use and for groups up to 100. Current rates don't relate to smaller groups so compromise of hourly rate for smaller groups feels appropriate. 

John O'Connor -  is there a reason why there isn't a smaller group rate?

Shirley Kinsey - it was not previously proposed. 

  • Moved by: Wendy Ninteman
    Seconded by: Sonja Verlanic

    approve the staff recommendation to establish a fee for small groups under 10 participants to the Special Use Permit.  Establishing a fee of $15/hour/class For-Profit business, and $10/hour/class for Non-Profit organizations. 

    AYES: (7)Ross Mollenhauer, John O'Connor, Sonja Verlanic, Dale Harris, Wendy Ninteman, Daniel Gundlach, and Margie Costa
    Vote results: Approved (7 to 0)


Donna Gaukler provided an update on the department's ongoing work with Covid-19 related childcare services, inclusion and equity work, Lowell School/ Westside playground planning, and north-side cemetery and ball diamond park.

Donna Gaukler noted multiple other planning projects in process including the Downtown Master Plan, Higgins Avenue bridge, BUILD grant, Mullan Area Master Plan process, cash in lieu of park land dedication appraisal methodology, and Northside Pedestrian crossing improvements.

Donna Gaukler shared mini orientation date for new Park Board members, work with administration on holding in person and outdoor meetings for advisory boards especially when site visits may be required ,and update on Open Space projects.

John O'Connor - is Parks department working in conjunction with Five Valleys Land Trust on the "High, Wide, and, Handsome trail" on Mount Dean Stone?

Donna Gaukler - yes, department is working with Five Valleys as part of agreement approved by Board last spring; site visit to take place September 9th. 

John O'Connor - has there been any activity on grants to assist completion of bike parks at Bellevue and Syringa?

Donna Gaukler - no grants have come since last month. Department will look to request an RTP grant for Syringa. Department is researching Land and Water Conservation Fund (LWCF) grant for Bellevue park and neighboring parks. 

Ryan Applegate

Donna Gaukler provided a department budget update. The department has a reserve fund balance around 1.5 million; 1/3 set aside for future emergencies and shortfalls in revenue. 

Donna Gaukler discussed revenue shortfall experienced in both aquatics and camp programs. Increase in vandalism, clean ups and staffing needs was discussed. Donna Gaukler next reviewed new requests for FY21. 

Dale Harris - will you present department CIPs?

Donna Gaukler - will present CIPs next meeting. 

Dale Harris - is the half million identified coming out of Park District reserves?

Donna Gaukler - yes.

Margie Costa - is vandalism still continuing at high level on public lands and property?

Donna Gaukler - yes, the open space and park ambassador program really helped in April until programs resumed. Now seeing large amounts of garbage, and graffiti regarding national/ international riots, etc. Also seeing damage to Madison Street Bridge conduit and significant increase in un-sheltered population. 

Dale Harris - is the conservation stewardship mill levy an annual deposit into Park District or another budget that expires at end of year?

Donna Gaukler - yes, transfer is annual and ongoing.Mill levy funds are transferred to Park District and funds expended are tracked under mill levy categories. 

Morgan Valliant presented 2019 season highlights for the Conservation Lands Management program.

Morgan Valliant reviewed management goals of program, total number of acres seeded for re-vegetation, herbicide applications, and weeds pulled. 

Morgan Valliant provided information on volunteer hours, trail closures, forest management, invasive tree removals, and grants, donations, and fees received in last year. 

Morgan Valliant reviewed major accomplishments of program from 2019: major trail rehabilitation and improvement, and growth of new partnerships. 

Morgan Valliant reviewed 2020 priorities: $3 million major habitat restoration and outdoor recreation projects. Ecosystems Services division. 

John O'Connor - how old is the organizational chart for division?  

Morgan Valliant - February 2020.

John O'Connor requested an update to the organizational chart and numbers presented in presentation. 

Dale Harris asked Morgan to explore a volunteer ambassador program with CLAC in regards to alternative funding, volunteerism and public education.

Dale Harris - what time frame are the numbers being reported on?

Morgan Valliant - numbers reported are January 1, 2019 to December 31, 2019. 

Dale Harris - can you explain the browning on Mount Jumbo?

Morgan Valliant - similar to outbreak last year in south hills; infestation removes needles from trees - 80% of trees affected were fine next year. Trees are still alive on Jumbo; will lose some. 

Dale Harris - any human interaction with infestation?

Morgan Valliant - only way to treat is to aerial spray insecticide. Not effective treatment for large area as  Mount Jumbo. 

Dale Harris - what is the status of the Urban Forestry recruitment?

Morgan Valliant - ongoing; anticipate having to re-advertise position. 

Ross Mollenhauer - what other trail improvements do you have planned?

Morgan Valliant - really focusing on recreation management plans; new construction of trails. 


John O'Connor noted he would like to explore possibility of installing a shade shelter at the south hills spur observation area. 

Donna Gaukler stated she does not believe that area allows for a structure; she will follow up. 


Meeting adjourned 1:56pm