Missoula City Council Meeting Agenda

Meeting #:
ZOOM Webinar

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Webinar ID: 871 1768 5875

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Web stream (live or on demand)YouTube, or Spectrum Cable Channel 190


For more ways to watch the meeting and submit public comment, see the Citizen Participation Guide.

Issues?  Call the City Clerk 406-552-6078.

If anyone attending this meeting needs special assistance, please provide 48 hours advance notice by calling the City Clerk Office at 406-552-6073.




(Items on the consent agenda were approved in City Council committees to be placed on the consent agenda to save time at Council meetings by voting on them as a package. The City Clerk will read the list aloud, so citizens watching on MCAT will know what is on the consent agenda. We’ll invite community comment on these items before we vote.)

  • Recommended motion:
  • Recommended motion:

    Appoint Tim Hall to serve on the Conservation District for a term beginning on January 1, 2022 and ending on March 31, 2025.

  • Recommended motion:

    Appoint Claire Battaglia to serve as a regular member on the Food Policy Advisory Board for a term beginning on January 1, 2022 and ending on March 31, 2025.

  • Recommended motion:

    Approved and authorize the Mayor to sign a contract with AVI Systems for purchase and installation of courtroom technology in the amount of $93,683.75.

  • Recommended motion:

    Approve and authorize Mayor Engen to sign a pro-rated 3-year maintenance support contract with AVI systems in the amount of $12,521.00

  • Recommended motion:

    Confirm the Mayor’s reappointment of Amy Cilimburg to the Missoula Urban Transportation District for a term beginning January 1, 2022 and expiring on December 31, 2025.

(The public hearing will be opened on December 13, 2021, at which time the City Council will hear all objections that may be made to the resolution or any part of the resolution. At the close of the public hearing the City Council will take up the resolution for final consideration that same evening.)

  • Recommended motion:

    Set a public hearing on December 13, 2021, on a resolution affirming the City Council’s August 2021 decision to increase business license fees by 3.00% and correcting the fee schedule attached to resolution 8538.


  • Recommended motion:

    Authorize the Mayor to sign and execute a contract with the Poverello Center for the provision of services and programs specific to people without a house in Missoula and providing comprehensive outreach services to that same population, funded by City of Missoula in the amount of $211,476.00 

  • Recommended motion:

    Approve and authorize the mayor to sign quotes CERQ95365 and CERQ95761 from Cerium for the purchase of poly-com equipment for seven conference rooms and three court rooms in the total amount of $53,163.58



(State law and City Council rules set guidelines for inviting community comment in a formal way on certain issues.  Following a staff report on each item, the City Council and the Mayor invite community comment.  During COVID 19, the City Council is holding the public hearing open for a week and then voting the following week, unless there is a requirement for final action on the night of the public hearing.)  


(Items listed under Final Consideration have had a public hearing.  The hearing was held open to allow time for additional public comment before final consideration and action by the City Council. The chairperson of the standing City Council committee will make a motion. We invite community comment on each item.)

  • Recommended motion:

    Adopt an ordinance to amend Missoula Municipal Code chapter 2.82 entitled “Establishment of continuous residency requirements within the city limits for City department heads and supervisory managers





(Items listed here have been proposed by Council members, staff, or the Mayor for consideration in City Council committees. Committee chairs are responsible for scheduling consideration of these items in their respective committee meetings. These items are listed on our agenda for information only. They will not be considered at this meeting. For further information about any item, contact the person listed in italics.)





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