Missoula Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Board Minutes

City Council Chambers
140 W. Pine Street, Missoula , MT
Voting members present:
  • Cory Simenson (Chair),
  • Britt Arnesen,
  • Ryan Bundy,
  • Jessica Dougherty Goodburn,
  • Terri Roberts,
  • Jessica Tuberty,
  • and James Walter
Regular member(s) absent:
  • Jenny Baker (Vice-chair)
  • and Chris Siller

Chairperson Cory Simenson called the meeting to order at 3:03 p.m.

Board members introduced themselves. 

The agenda was approved with the suggestion that the South Ave Project presentation be presented first. 

The agenda was approved with the suggestion that the South Ave Project presentation be presented first. 

There was no public comment.

There were no staff comments.

Ben Weiss, Bicycle and Pedestrian Program Manager, provided an update on recent activities of the transportation division, including his attendance of a hearing of the Interim Transportation Committee at the State Legislature, held on January 13, 2020. From this meeting, Mr. Weiss reported that a steering committee was created in order to study how bike/pedestrian facilities are funded throughout Montana.  

In addition, Mr. Weiss reported that he was contacted by a bike-share company called Koloni, based out of Pocahontas, Iowa, which specializes in e-bikes and e-scooters for smaller communities like Missoula. Jordan Hess, University of Montana's Director of Transportation, and Mr. Weiss will continue to speak to Koloni about potentially creating a system for Missoula that's geared around the university area. 

Mr. Weiss stated that the Bike/Pedestrian program has been working with Mountain Line to ensure their planned upgraded bus stops along Routes 1 and 2 are bike/pedestrian-friendly and accessible to everyone. Mr. Weiss added that he hopes to bring the full 2020 project list to the board next month.

James Walter provided an update from the Right-of-Way (ROW) subcommittee. He stated that he and Jessica Dougherty Goodburn presented at a Rose Park Neighborhood committee meeting on behalf of the Board. Their presentation recommended bicycle racks and shelters, ROW, egress, and accessibility through a slant street gateway project in the neighborhood. 

Ben Weiss, Bicycle and Pedestrian Program Manager, provided another location for the ROW Committee to consider: the parking spaces near 3rd Street and Myrtle Street.

Chairperson Cory Simenson suggested a reorganized agenda (attached). The Board agreed to the changes. 

A motion was put forth to create a standing Safety and Education Committee to help come up with ideas to improve safety and promote bicycles and pedestrians. Jessica Tuberty suggested the City create a safety toolkit. If a safety concern were identified, the toolkit would be available to help mitigate the concern. 

  • Moved by: Cory Simenson

    Create a standing Safety and Education Committee to look further into these and future items.

    AYES: (7)Britt Arnesen, Cory Simenson, Jessica Dougherty Goodburn, James Walter, Ryan Bundy, Jessica Tuberty, and Terri Roberts
    ABSENT: (2)Jenny Baker, and Chris Siller
    Vote results: Approved (7 to 0)

Chairperson Simenson reviewed the Establishing Ordinance for the Bicycle and Pedestrian Board, specifically Sections 2.96.020 and 2.96.030 (available on the City of Missoula's website). He stated that he would like a review of bike/pedestrian-related upcoming projects, action items related to those projects, a formal, annual priority list for projects, and a discussion on how the Board can fulfill their duties while staying within their scope. 

The board voiced their approval.

Trevor Iman of WGM Group presented on the South Avenue Project (presentation attached), including the existing conditions and the proposed plan. He discussed the two phases of the project, the target date for construction on Phase I (2021), and the existing right-of-way (ROW) conditions. Mr. Iman stated that WGM will take public comment and input from stakeholders and landowners into consideration for the plan. 

Mr. Iman stated that a traffic study was completed on the intersection of South Ave and Reserve Street, and provided a proposed plan. He said bike lanes through this intersection have not yet been finalized, and that those will depend on both the City and the Montana Department of Transportation. WGM, the City, and the Montana Department of Transportation have discussed the traffic analysis, although a final design scope for Phase II has not been completed.

The Board expressed concerns about the lunchtime and after school traffic along South Avenue, and offered several suggestions for improvement, including crosswalk striping, a traffic light, and/or a roundabout at the intersection with 31st St. 

This project will be funded through a combination of the City's road district fund and transportation impact fees.

Katherine Ague of Missoula in Motion, presented on Pop Up Street Infrastructure. She provided images of parklets (attached), which is the term for on-street parking spaces that have been transformed into a public park. Parklets create a free public space available for anyone to use. Missoula in Motion, in conjunction with the Parking Commission, established a parklet program in 2014. The requirements for use include that the parklet be set up from 10:00 am to 8:00 pm, that it's open and free to the public, and that there is no soliciting. Ms. Auge stated that Missoula in Motion can provide some of the items needed to create and transform the space, but they need help recruiting and engaging local businesses to continue the program. 


This item will be taken up at next month's meeting on March 3, 2020. 

Chairperson Simenson reported that Vice Chair Jenny Baker will resign from the Board. In the event that Chairperson Simenson and Ms. Baker are absent at the March meeting, James Walter will fill-in as the temporary chairperson. 

The next meeting will be held March 3, 2020, at 3:00 pm. 

Chairperson Simenson adjourned the meeting at 5:03 p.m.