City of Missoula
Committee of the Whole Agenda

Meeting #:
Council Chambers (in person) or TEAMS (virtually)
Attend in person: City Council Chambers, 140 W Pine, Missoula MT
  • Amber Sherrill, 
  • Stacie Anderson, 
  • Mirtha Becerra, 
  • Bob Campbell, 
  • Daniel Carlino, 
  • Sierra Farmer, 
  • Gwen Jones, 
  • Kristen Jordan, 
  • Eric Melson, 
  • Mike Nugent, 
  • Jennifer Savage, 
  • and Sandra Vasecka 

Microsoft Teams meeting

Join on your computer or mobile app*: 

Click here to join the meeting

* You may be prompted to download the Teams app

Or call in (audio only)


Phone Conference ID:  615 041 199#

Press *5 to raise your hand to be recognized for public comment, *6 to mute and unmute

Watch the meeting only:

Web stream (live or on demand) Open this meeting on the calendar and select "View Live Stream" or "Video."

For more ways to watch the meeting and submit public comment, see the Citizen Participation Guide.

Issues?  Call the City Clerk 406-552-6078.

If anyone attending this meeting needs special assistance, please provide 48 hours advance notice by calling the City Clerk Office at 406-552-6073.




  • Recommended motion:

    Adopt an amendment to City Council Rule 2 allowing up to three minutes per public comment.



An opportunity for council members to report on recent community involvement and events.
