Transportation Technical Advisory Committee TTAC Minutes

ZOOM Webinar
Voting members present:
  • Sarah Coefield, Chair (Env. Health MCCHD),
  • Corey Aldridge (MUTD),
  • Dori Brownlow (Missoula County),
  • Ellen Buchanan (MRA),
  • Eran Pehan (City Development Services),
  • Jacquelyn Smith (MDT-Missoula),
  • Chet Crowser (Msla Co CAPS),
  • Juniper Davis (Msla Co Parks & Trails),
  • Donna Gaukler (City Parks & Rec),
  • Jeremy Keene, vice-chair (Director Pubic Works),
  • Ben Weiss (City Bike/Ped),
  • and Katie Potts (MDT-Helena)
Voting member(s) absent:
  • Shane Stack (Msla Co PW)
  • and Lyn Hellegaard, (MRTMA)
Non-Voter(s) present:
  • Ryan Hammon (FHWA-Helena),
  • Tiffany Brander (City Parking),
  • and Brian Ellestad (Msla Airport Auth)
Non-Voter(s) absent:
  • Bynum Jackson (ASUM-Trans.)
  • and Eva Rocke (UM Admin)


The meeting started at 10:03 AM.

Vicky Crnich sat as proxy for Katie Potts, Neil Miner sat as proxy for Donna Gaukler, Juniper Davis sat as proxy for Dori Brownlow, Elizabeth McCawley sat as proxy for Lynn Hellgaard.

​​​​​​​​The minutes were approved as submitted.

Neil Miner made the motion to approve the minutes. Juniper Davis seconded the motion.


There was no public comment.


Aaron Wilson, Infrastructure and Mobility Planning Manager, and Jennifer Wieland, Principal at Nelson\Nygaard Consulting Associate, presented on the Long Range Transportation plan update.
Ms. Wieland clarified that there will be some mix and match of three scenarios (new connections, enhanced connections, and regional equity) down to the recommended scenario. Over the next month feedback will be gathered from committee, board meetings and discussions with the public. The feedback will be on how well each scenario meets travel needs and what the preference of scenarios is. Also, what are the types of projects that are important to people. If there is a strong preference of scenarios, the preferred scenario will be used as the basis.
A committee member commented that depending on where you are in town, the different scenarios will apply differently. Ms. Wieland added the ways each scenario connects in different areas are different. The Better Utilizing Investments to Leverage Development (BUILD) grant roads in the Mullan area are included in all of the scenarios.
Ms. Wieland provided clarification that with three scenarios (new connections, enhanced connections, and regional equity) the costs are all constrained to the same level. The difference is they include different sets of projects within that limit. They also differ in how many projects and the types of the projects included. Each scenario has 110 million dollars in committed projects and 178 million dollars in non-committed projects.
Committee members praised the level of sophisticated analysis compared to the previous Long Range Transportation Plan (LRTP) updates.
Mr. Wilson mentioned that the Long Range Transportation Plan (LRTP) was presented to the planning board for feedback. Everyone was invited to share their thoughts and feedback. There are virtual community meetings on December 8th, 10th, 15th, and 17th. Links to a survey ( and an interactive map ( were provided. Feedback will be gathered until the end of the year.
Ms. Wieland clarified that the 178 million dollars includes the MPO-programmed federal funds, and the local CIP funding sources. A committee member added that the high percentage of tax increment financing (TIF) funding spent on infrastructure, the funding can easily be linked to LRTP.
Ms. Wieland added that in January TTAC will be on the programmatic side. Topics such as what is the recommended projects list, and what are the near term projects will be a conversation beginning in 2021.

• In January the role for chair and vice chair changes. With TTAC the role rotates. The chair position can potentially be filled by either Jeremy Keene, Corey Aldridge or a county staff person.
• By law changes will reflect the realignment of and new additions to TTAC attendance
• TIP Amendments
• Upcoming projects; Highway 200 corridor will be back for adoption by TTAC and TPCC, Reserve Street project, Higgins Street study


Nothing to report.

Aaron Wilson, Infrastructure and Mobility Planning Manager, introduced new metropolitan planning organization (MPO) staff, Charlie Menefee.


The meeting was adjourned at 11:04 AM.