Meeting #:
600 Cregg Lane
Missoula, MT 59802
Members present:
  • Dale Harris (chair),
  • Ross Mollenhauer,
  • Wendy Ninteman,
  • John O'Conner,
  • Chris Ryan,
  • Sonja Verlanic,
  • and Johnna Eisemann

Others Present: Donna Gaukler, David Selvage, Clancy Jandreau, Emily Kern, and Cassy Gladwin


Approval of July 9, 2019 Minutes

​​​​​​​​Correction to the July 9, 2019 minutes -  Sonja Verlanic voted "no" on Rose Memorial Park Playground Signage.

John O'Connor moved to approve minutes as amended. Wendy Ninetman seconded the motion. 

Minutes approved as amended.

Donna Gaukler informed the Board that volunteers are needed to help build the new playground at Memorial Rose Garden Park August 17, 2019.

No public/guest comment.

Donna Gaukler introduced the item to purchase a new customer service station at the front desk of the administrative offices. Funds are to be expended from the enterprise fund.

Johnna Eisenmann - who will man the additional station?

Cassy Gladwin -  a second station would be staffed between intermittent employees and/or office staff as needed. An intermittent employee is currently working at a temporary station; no transactions can be made. The permanent station would increase customer service to an already busy area; allow for transactions and increase number registration for services both in person and over the phone.

Wendy Ninteman - is this purchase a good fit for the enterprise fund? Will there be ongoing costs?

Donna Gaukler - the computer station is a one time fee but there are associated fees when enhancing equipment. Work stations are hard to acquire; if the enterprise fund is not appropriate then funds can be taken out of operating budgets.

  • Moved by: Chris Ryan

    move the Missoula Parks and Recreation Board approve expending up to $4,500 of Enterprise funds to provide for an additional workstation related to Fee for service recreation.

    Johnna Eisemann seconded the motion. 

    AYES: (6)Chris Ryan, John O'Conner, Sonja Verlanic, Dale Harris, Wendy Ninteman, and Johnna Eisemann
    ABSENT: (1)Ross Mollenhauer
    Vote results: Approved (6 to 0)

Ross Mollenhauer joined the meeting 12:31pm.

Donna Gaukler introduced the item to name the community garden at Montana Rail Link park.  Emily Kern, Community Garden Manager spoke on behalf of Garden City Harvest.

Emily Kern provided background on the community garden at MRL park and proposed name of "Bitterroot Line Community Garden." The name selected by gardeners would not change in Garden City Harvest's system, and provides a way for gardeners to identify which plot to apply for. 

Johnna Eisenmann - has Montana Rail Link been notified about renaming the garden space?
Donna Gaukler - no, they were not contacted about the naming. 

Donna noted that the name request is consistent with the location and theme of the park. The name is also in compliance with the department's naming policy. Board members discussed importance of reaching out to Montana Rail Link as a courtesy. Donna stated she would contact MRL and MRA of the garden name change. John O'Connor noted that Park Board has the authority of naming parks and the park itself was not changing names. 

Sonja Verlanic - does the dog park have a different name?
Donna Gaukler- no different name.

Wendy Ninteman moved the Missoula Parks and Recreation Board approve naming the community garden at MRL Park the "Bitterroot Line Community Garden." Discussion followed regarding the proposed motion. Wendy Ninetman rescinded her motion as the proposed motion needed amended. The motion was amended to include MRL notification. 

  • Moved by: Sonja Verlanic

    move the Missoula Parks and Recreation Board approve naming the community garden at MRL Park the "Bitterroot Line Community Garden" along with notifying MRL and MRA of the name change. 

    Wendy Ninteman seconded the amended motion. 

    AYES: (6)Dale Harris, Ross Mollenhauer, Wendy Ninteman, John O'Conner, Chris Ryan, and Sonja Verlanic
    NAYS: (1)Johnna Eisemann
    Vote results: Approved (6 to 1)

Ryan Applegate, Neil Miner

Business Functional Team and Projects & Planning


David Selvage, Park Systems and Services Superintendent presented an overview of his role in Parks and Recreation and highlighted activities. 

Donna Gaukler

OS Related Updates; 2018 Bond Undertakings, OS Plan and OS Ordinance

Donna Gaukler provided updates on the Open Space Plan, Open Space Manager recruitment, 2018 Open Space Bond Undertakings, and Open Space Ordinance. 

Donna informed the Board that recommended edits/comments from Park Board's July 9, 2019 meeting were reviewed and accepted at the Open Space Advisory Committee (OSAC) July 11, 2019 meeting. Missoula County's Open Lands Citizen Advisory Committee (OLC) reviewed the updated draft July 18, 2019. OLC voted 7-2 in favor of passing the plan. The final draft will move forward to Planning Board the 3rd Tuesday in September. 

Donna introduced Clancy Jandreau, Research Coordinator for Conservation Lands Management. Donna presented Clancy's work on bond undertakings which included charting, mapping, and data analysis. Purposes of the 2018 Open Space Bond, and city "undertakings" were discussed. 

River access points (garbage, waste, erosion, accessibility) was discussed.
John O'Connor - is there data that shows how hard entry/exits can reduce user made entry/exits?
Donna Gaukler - research has shown that with good mapping, trails, and design people will use facility the way its designed. 

Sonja Verlanic - how many erosions have been caused from the dam removal?
Clancy Jandreau -  none, erosions have been from user access points.

Wendy Ninetman suggested including history of the river, and army core involvement in presentation as it moves forward.  
Donna Gaukler - Army Core background will be involved.

Ross Mollenhauer - can data expand information on other river access points?
Donna Gaukler - points identified in presentation are in the Missoula planning region. The bonds funds are to be spent in this region first. 

Donna shared that a $1 million dollar private donation has been given to Missoula Parks and Recreation for open space use. 

Wendy Ninteman left the meeting 1:30pm. 

Donna also presented an updated draft to MMC 12.56.010 The City of Missoula Open Space Ordinance. Prior updates took place in 1995 and 2006. Areas in which updates occurred include; 12.56.045 Improvements to open space land, 12.56.070 Citizen Advisory Committee on Open Space, 12.56.080 Committee's review of open space acquisition proposals, and 12.56.110 Conversion or diversion of open space land. Further discussion will occur at September's meeting. 

Donna Gaukler provided a handout of the department's fiscal year 2020 requests and tax scenarios. Donna reviewed the department's requested funding amounts, and what is proposed for funding at the Mayor's level. 

Meeting adjourned 2:01pm

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