Transportation Policy Coordinating Committee Minutes

Meeting #:
City Council Chambers
140 W. Pine Street, Missoula , MT
Voting members present:
  • Jordan Hess, City Council (chair),
  • Dave Strohmaier, Missoula Co. Commissioner (vice-chair),
  • John Engen, Mayor,
  • and Michael Houlihan, Planning Brd.
Voting member(s) absent:
  • Don MacArthur, MUTD
  • and Bob Vosen, MDT-Missoula
Non-Voter(s) present:
  • Debbie Johnston, MCCHD
Non-Voter(s) absent:
  • Brian Hasselbach (FHWA-Helena)

The minutes were approved as presented. 

There was no public comment.

Aaron Wilson, Transportation Planning Manager, presented a brief update on the 2020 Unified Planning Work Program. Funding is staying relatively consistent to fiscal year 2019 work plan because a number of projects started in FY19 are being carried over to FY20. Projects carrying over from FY19 include the East Missoula Corridor Study, the Transportation Market Research survey, the Pavement Condition Analysis, and the Transportation Demand Model update.

Because of the changes coming from the Area Plans like East Missoula Corridor Study and Long Range Transportation Plan update, there will be an increase in PL funds for a consultant and staff time for those two work elements.

If all budgeted funds are spent, there will still be an unobligated balance of $300,000 in the PL reserve. There is a potential rescission, however, that could use up an undetermined amount of the unobligated PL funds. 

  • Moved by: Jordan Hess
    Seconded by: John Engen

    Recommend TPCC approval of the 2020 Unified Work Program as proposed or as modified by TTAC

    Vote results: Approved

Michael Harpool, Missoula Metropolitan Planning Organization, presented on the Transportation Improvement Plan for fiscal years 2020-2024. The board was informed of the updates being made to the narrative in the project selection, the amendment process, and the process management sections. The board was also shown additional changes made to project lists and funding tables.

  • Moved by: Dave Strohmaier
    Seconded by: Jordan Hess

    Recommend TPCC approval of the 2020-2024 Transportation Improvement Program

    Vote results: Approved

Dave Gray, Missoula Metropolitan Planning Organization, presented an update on the Transportation Demand Model and informed the board about the consultant selection and the services that they will provide.

LSA was selected because they built the model originally, have provided updates every four years since, and came in under the $80,000 budget. They will be updating socio-economic data and making sure that housing allocations are being met in areas where both the city and county are experiencing growth. In addition to the basic update, LSA will also build a land-use importer module to help streamline Transportation Demand Model updates in the future. The MPO will also be purchasing location-based employment data and will be using GPS origin and destination data to aid in the update.

The MPO is hoping to have the contract completed and approved by City Council by the end of August 2019. 

The board discussed how origin and destination data and non-motorized counting stations will be used in the model update. 

Aaron Wilson, Transportation Planning Manager, presented on the transportation survey draft questions. The board was asked to analyze and prioritize individual questions and provide feedback so BBER can simplify the survey further. 

The board examined the survey and opened a discussion on the phrasing and specifics of questions pertaining to complete streets, rideshare modes, mode share, and autonomous vehicles. Continued comments from the board were encouraged and can be submitted by email.  

An edit was advised after it was noted that Josh Slotnick was not included as a TPCC member on the current agenda.