ZOOM meeting
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Members present:
  • Beverly Dupree,
  • Carol Fischer,
  • Teagan Hayes,
  • Kathleen Kennedy,
  • John O'Connor,
  • Hannah Specht,
  • and Giles Thelen
Members absent:
  • Karen Sippy
  • and Jamison Starbuck
Others present:
  • Staff Present: Morgan Valliant, Clancy Jandreau, Grant Carlton, Corena Maurer, Jolanda Cummings

    Public present: Pelah Hoyt, Ben Horan

John O'Connor motioned to approve minutes as posted.

Hannah Specht seconded the motion.

Carol Fisher asked for correction to minutes in section 4.1 "increased public reaction" correct wording "increased public recreation".

Giles Thelen motion to approve minutes with correction.

Minutes approve as posted with the recommended correction.

Ben Horan representing Mountain Bike Missoula and wanted to be at the meeting for the discussion of Mt. Dean Stone.




Jolanda Cummings discussed current City policy regarding public meetings during COVID including zoom protocols.  Jolanda informed the committee on how the City is currently working with IT to get new encoders to duplicate.  Jolanda currently has council chambers booked for October 13, 2020 if we can't hold an in person meeting.  Donna Gaukler has been working with Dale Bickell to possibly have an in person meeting with social distancing requirements and the use of mask.  If in person meeting is allowed the October 5 meeting will be held at normal time at Greenough.

Morgan Valliant briefly described the Mount Dean Stone property which is currently being called the Woody's property and located just above the South Hill Spur.  Conservation Lands Advisory Committee (CLAC) will be making some plans this fall, winter and spring for the 350 acres that City is looking at requiring this fall.

Pelah Hoyt gave a presentation on Mount Dean Stone that included maps showing the Dean Stone corridor and the new trail.

Morgan Valliant clarified a point on the map trail connections with in the presentation that the high, wide and handsome trail does hit existing roadbed and currently runs down and connects to trailheads in Miller Creek so there will be a through option.

John O'Connor- "Can you just comment a little bit more about some of the need for additional public comment on the top portion".

Morgan Valliant explained the uniqueness of the project.   This is the first time the City has ever moved forward on an Open Space Acquisition where we actually have our trail built before the City takes ownership.  The process this time was more in keeping in line like we do with our developed parks.  The developer will actually develop a park within their development to City specs and then turn it over to the City to manage. Morgan Valliant stated that we do still need our public process and rec plan e run through the CLAC committee and to get approved by Park Board.  

John O'Connor- The upper parcel is not City land yet.  Are you saying that Five Valleys Land Trust and others interested are gracious enough to work within the city planning process on that property because technically they wouldn't need City input to do something with that property would they?

Morgan Valliant- They have been working within the City Process. The City has had to do a little bit of inventing our own process because it is kind of a new situation. It's worth saying that this property is going to become City land by mid-October.

Grant Carlton- This is creating a model for future projects like this project.

Carol Fisher- "I haven't heard anything about the access points and how we are going to deal with the increase at the trailheads.  I'm curious about the trailhead and with the House Of Sky that's up Deer Creek too and a parking area is being thought about there?  How are we going to deal with the increase use?”

Pelah Hoyt- We are planning some improvements to the skyline ridge area and are in conversation with the Rack about potential improvements to deer creek road.  If we can connect to the Pattee Canyon recreation area, which the forest service is interested in exploring because they have a parking lot area already they feel that is sensible.  The Sousa trailhead there is more parking there than we originally thought.

Morgan Valliant- I anticipate increase level of parking at the Sousa trailhead.  The trailhead is on street which potentially offers hundreds of parking spots but it would be in front of people houses. At this point, there is not really any other access.  These are questions to address when we go through public process and develop our plan.

Clancy Jandreau presented a map of the natural resource inventory he has encountered while surveying the area.


Morgan Valliant discussed the process moving forward which included developing an extension to the South Hills Spur recreation management plan to incorporate the 350 acres.  The City has a formalized system in which the committee goes out to the parcel and scores resources and values to provide recommendations for management of the parcel.  Morgan Valliant wants the committee to get out on the parcel.  This property is not open to the public.  Morgan Valliant has been in communication with Pelah Hoyt from Five Valleys for allowing individuals from the committee to go up and get familiar with the area.  He made it very clear that it would be best not to go up with other committee members or discuss the area with members.

Pelah Hoyt- Please contact me before you go up so I can keep track.  Send email or call to inform her when you will be up there.

Kathleen Kennedy would like to see time built into the agenda for updates to existing parcels.  Discussion was had within the committee to commit time to discuss existing parcels, trails, upcoming plans for conservation lands, and event permitting.  It was recommended that members from the group bring topics that they would like to discuss. The committee brought up possibly having a time limit for agenda items, providing more of a meeting structure. 

Some general topics and themes for agenda were Bancroft Ponds, Greenough, weed in the absent of sheep grazing, events, trails and river closures.

Members of the committee brought up possibly meeting during the summer months.

Morgan Valliant gave updates on staff recruitment on vacant positions. Morgan pointed out the fire on Mount Sentinel and there will be reseeding.  There has been some work completed at the Moon Randolph Homestead. Currently crews have found the invasive species White Bryony.  Crews are beginning to map and research this specie.  Morgan Valliant presented pictures and gave a progress update of the Rattlesnake Dam. Clancy Jandreau has organized some days for individuals to come out and volunteer to restore vegetation.

Kathleen Kennedy- On the east side trail there is a lot of activity right up into the river overlook.  Are we going to build any fencing?  Are we going to put anything that clearly states that it's not a through way?

Morgan Valliant- The City is going to put a temporary gate and connect up with some fencing.  Will discourage the use on the eastside.  All initial access on Westside is trust passing on Northwestern Energy land. City will move forward to make loop trail on Westside for access.

Carol Fisher - What kind of trail surface you are going to put in on Westside. 

Morgan Valliant- it will be a 5ft-6ft wide gravel packed trail.

Morgan Valliant- The City finalizing agreements on Waterworks trailhead. Clancy and Jo pulled together 2019 trails and trailhead inventory data and now at point which trailheads need to be upgrade and what they need to have to be upgraded. Working on finalizing a signage plan. 

John O'Connor the last Park Board meeting the Conservation Lands recommendation for the outdoor educational additions at Bancroft Ponds and that was a unanimous approval at Parks Board.






Adjournment at 5:44pm