Council Meeting Action Summary

Missoula City Council

Council Chambers (in person) or ZOOM Webinar (virtually)
Attend in person: City Council Chambers, 140 W. Pine, Missoula, MT
Members Present:
  • Stacie Anderson, 
  • Mirtha Becerra, 
  • Daniel Carlino, 
  • John P. Contos, 
  • Jordan Hess, 
  • Gwen Jones, 
  • Kristen Jordan, 
  • Mike Nugent, 
  • Jennifer Savage, 
  • Amber Sherrill, 
  • Sandra Vasecka, 
  • and Heidi West
Administration Present:
  • Marty Rehbein
  • and Jim Nugent, City Attorney
Administration Absent:
  • Mayor John Engen


The virtual meeting of the Missoula City Council was called to order by Acting Mayor Gwen Jones at 6:00 PM.


​​​​​​​​The minutes were approved as submitted.



  • AYES: (12)Alderperson Anderson, Alderperson Becerra, Alderperson Carlino, Alderperson Contos, Alderperson Hess, Alderperson Jones, Alderperson Jordan, Alderperson Nugent, Alderperson Savage, Alderperson Sherrill, Alderperson Vasecka, and Alderperson West
    Vote result: Approved (12 to 0)
  • Approve and Authorize the Mayor to sign a Professional Services Amendment No. 2 with Morrison-Maierle for the Lincoln Hills Upper and Lower Tank Replacement Project at a cost not to exceed $11,699.00.

    Vote result: Approved
  • Set a public hearing for June 6 with final consideration on June 13, 2022 for a resolution amending the annual appropriations for the City of Missoula, Montana as set forth in the fiscal year 2022 budget and capital improvement program.

    Vote result: Approved
  • Authorize the Mayor to sign and execute an agreement with JG Research and Evaluation for $42,000 from City funds for the provision of evaluation services to evaluation Reaching Home: Missoula’s 10-Year Plan to End Homelessness funded by the City of Missoula.

    Vote result: Approved
  • Re-appoint Will Sebern as a regular member and Emily Shankle as an alternate member of the Affordable Housing Resident Oversight Committee with terms beginning June 1, 2022 and ending May 31, 2025.

    Vote result: Approved
  • Adopt a resolution of the City Council awarding $21,000 in Neighborhood Improvement Grant Funds for fiscal year 2022 to certain individuals and directing staff to negotiate contracts with said individuals for the Mayor’s signature.

    Vote result: Approved



The City Council will hold this public hearing open until they take up the items for final consideration on June 6, 2022.

  • Moved by:Alderperson Hess

    [Second and final reading] Adopt an ordinance amending the North Reserve-Scott Street Urban Renewal Plan to include additional property in the District.

    AYES: (12)Alderperson Becerra, Alderperson Carlino, Alderperson Contos, Alderperson Hess, Alderperson Jones, Alderperson Jordan, Alderperson Nugent, Alderperson Savage, Alderperson Sherrill, Alderperson Vasecka, Alderperson West, and Alderperson Anderson
    Vote result: Approved (12 to 0)
  • Moved by:Alderperson Sherrill

    Adopt the Conceptual Master Plan for the Currents Center for Recreation and Creativity

    AYES: (10)Alderperson Carlino, Alderperson Hess, Alderperson Jones, Alderperson Jordan, Alderperson Nugent, Alderperson Savage, Alderperson Sherrill, Alderperson West, Alderperson Anderson, and Alderperson Becerra
    NAYS: (2)Alderperson Contos, and Alderperson Vasecka
    Vote result: Approved (10 to 2)




The meeting adjourned at 8:15 p.m.

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