Missoula City Council Meeting Agenda

Meeting #:
ZOOM Webinar

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Issues?  Call the City Clerk 406-552-6078.

If anyone attending this meeting needs special assistance, please provide 48 hours advance notice by calling the City Clerk Office at 406-552-6073.




(Items on the consent agenda were approved in City Council committees to be placed on the consent agenda to save time at Council meetings by voting on them as a package. The City Clerk will read the list aloud, so citizens watching on MCAT will know what is on the consent agenda. We’ll invite community comment on these items before we vote.)

  • Recommended motion:


  • Recommended motion:

    [First reading and preliminary adoption] Set public hearing on November 29, 2021, and preliminarily adopt an ordinance generally amending Title 20, Missoula Municipal Code, the City Zoning Ordinance, to incorporate revisions in the following chapters: 20.10 Business and Commercial Districts, 20.15 Industrial and Manufacturing Districts, 20.45 Accessory Uses and Structures, 20.100 Terminology, and 20.105 Use Classifications, and creation of 20.40.083 in Use and Building Specific Standards, to incorporate regulations concerning legislative changes in the cannabis industry, and refer the item to the Land Use and Planning Committee on November 17, 2021.

  • Recommended motion:

    Approve the purchase and installation of fencing from Grizzly Fence for the authorized camping site and Garden City Compost for a total price of $41,410.

  • Recommended motion:

    Approve and authorize the Mayor to sign a professional services agreement with IMEG for a water main replacement on East Front Street from Madison to Jackson at a cost not to exceed $84,840.00

  • Recommended motion: Approve and authorize the Mayor to sign a professional services agreement with IMEG for the URD III Water and Sidewalk Project.

    Approve and authorize the Mayor to sign a professional services agreement with IMEG for the Urban Renewal District III Water and Sidewalk Project at a cost not to exceed $172,785.

  • Recommended motion:

    Authorize the Mayor to direct Public Works & Mobility staff to conduct a speed study for the entirety of George Elmer Drive, between the limits of Mullan Road to the south and Pius Way to the north, and set a temporary speed limit for the same at 30 mph.

  • Recommended motion:

    Authorize the Mayor to direct PW&M staff to conduct a speed study for Upper Miller Creek Drive between the Missoula County Line and Jeff Drive, and set a temporary speed limit for the same at 35 mph.

  • Recommended motion:

    Set a public hearing for Monday, November 8, 2021, to consider the funding recommendations made by the staff scoring committee for the Affordable Housing Trust Fund Innovation funding round and the tri-annual Affordable Housing Trust.

  • Recommended motion:

    Set a public hearing for November 15, 2021 with final consideration on November 29, 2021, for a resolution amending the annual appropriations for the City of Missoula, Montana as set forth in the fiscal year 2022 budget and capital improvement program.


  • Recommended motion:

    Approve the Land and Water Conservation Fund sub recipient grant agreement and authorize the Mayor to sign pending completion of National Park Service consultation processes.

  • Recommended motion:

    [First reading and preliminary adoption] Set a public hearing on November 15, 2021 and preliminarily adopt an ordinance rezoning Lots 20-24 of Carline Addition Block 34 and Lots 18B, 6286 square feet of Lots 17, 18 & 19 of Carline Addition #3 Block 34; All  located in Section 32, Township 12 North and Range 19 West from RM2.7 Multi-Dwelling to B2-2 Community Business and refer this  item to the Land Use and Planning Committee for presentation on November 17, 2021


(State law and City Council rules set guidelines for inviting community comment in a formal way on certain issues.  Following a staff report on each item, the City Council and the Mayor invite community comment.  During COVID 19, the City Council is holding the public hearing open for a week and then voting the following week, unless there is a requirement for final action on the night of the public hearing.)  


(Items listed under Final Consideration have had a public hearing.  The hearing was held open to allow time for additional public comment before final consideration and action by the City Council. The chairperson of the standing City Council committee will make a motion. We invite community comment on each item.)

  • Recommended motion:

    Adopt a resolution to annex and incorporate within the boundaries of the City of Missoula  Lots 2 through 8 in the Linda Vista 11th Supplement and a portion of Joy Drive adjacent, Lots 1 through 41, Common Area 1 and 2, and portions of Max Drive, Maggie  Mae Drive  and Guinevere Drive in the Linda Vista 18th  Supplement and portion of Miller Creek Road, and Tract 3A of Certificate of  Survey No. 6798 and a portion of Jim Loop Drive within the tract, all shown on Exhibits A and B and located in Section 13, Township  12 North, Range 20 West, and zone the property PUD Miller Creek View Addition, subject to conditions of annexation as amended  and shown in Memo No. 1 and No. 2 dated October 21 and October 29, 2021, based on the findings of fact in the staff report and in  the Memos

  • Recommended motion:

    Adopt a resolution to adopt the 2020 Missoula Long Range Transportation Plan, Missoula Connect 2050, as an issue plan of the 2035 Missoula City Growth Policy.





(Items listed here have been proposed by Council members, staff, or the Mayor for consideration in City Council committees. Committee chairs are responsible for scheduling consideration of these items in their respective committee meetings. These items are listed on our agenda for information only. They will not be considered at this meeting. For further information about any item, contact the person listed in italics.)




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