Missoula City Council Meeting Agenda

Meeting #:
Council Chambers (in person) or TEAMS (virtually)
Attend in person: City Council Chambers, 140 W Pine, Missoula MT

Microsoft Teams meeting

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(Items on the consent agenda were approved in City Council committees to be placed on the consent agenda to save time at Council meetings by voting on them as a package. The City Clerk will read the list aloud, so citizens watching on MCAT will know what is on the consent agenda. We’ll invite community comment on these items before we vote.)

  • Recommended motion:
  • Recommended motion:

    [First reading and preliminary adoption] Set a public hearing on January 9, 2022 and preliminarily adopt an ordinance amending Chapter 12.44 entitled “Cemeteries” by amending Section 12.44.020 entitled “Location” to include other uses, amending Section 12.44.110, entitled “Grounds regulations,” subsection A and repealing subsections D-H to decriminalize city cemetery groundskeeping regulations, amending 12.44.290 entitled “Meetings” to allow the Cemetery Board of Trustees more flexibility in scheduling their regular meetings and establishing rules for cemetery trustee meeting attendance, and repealing Article III, entitled “Cemetery Superintendent”, Section 12.44.340 entitled “Duties” in its entirety because the duties listed are addressed in the job description.

  • Recommended motion:

    Approve and authorize the Mayor to sign a Right-of-Way Agreement Amendment with Dougherty Ranch, LLC for the City to construct public infrastructure for the Mullan BUILD Project.

  • Recommended motion:

    Approve and authorize the Mayor to sign and execute a contract with the Poverello Center for the provision of services and programs specific to people without a house in Missoula and providing comprehensive outreach services to that same population, funded by City of Missoula, the sum not to exceed $211,476.00 .

  • Recommended motion:

    Set a public hearing on January 9, 2023 to consider adoption of a resolution revising the City of Missoula Parks and Recreation Master Fee Schedule for Facility Use, Reservations, Permits and Programs for 2023.

  • Recommended motion:

    Approve and authorize the Mayor the sign the Energy Performance Master Contract with McKinstry Essention, LLC as the framework to begin implementation of projects identified through the energy performance audit process. (no cost at this time)

  • Recommended motion:

    Approve amendment of the Northside Greenway Pavement Preservation grant to increase the total project budget to $218,090; whereby State grant funding is increased to $188,820 and City match increases to $29,270 and authorize Mayor to sign.

  • Recommended motion:

    Approve the purchase of six (6) Ford F150 Hybrid pickups from National Auto Fleet Group of Watsonville, CA for $52,379.70 each for a total of $314,278.20 for all six.

  • Recommended motion:

    Approve the purchase of Eight (8) Ford Escape Plug-in Hybrid SUVs from National Auto Fleet Group of Watsonville, CA for $40,771.26 each for a total of $326,170.04 for all eight.

  • Recommended motion:

    Approve the purchase of two (2) Toyota Camry Hybrid sedans from Lithia Toyota of Billings, Montana for $31,534.00 each for a total of $63,068.00 for both.

  • Recommended motion:

    Approve the purchase of one (1) Ford Super Duty 4X4 F250 from National Auto Fleet Group of Watsonville, CA for $52,395.16.

  • Recommended motion:

    Approve the purchase of two (2) Toyota Sienna Hybrid Vans from Lithia Toyota of Billing, Montana for $35,636.00 each and a total of $71,272.00 for both.

  • Recommended motion:

    Approve the purchase of one (1) Ford Super Duty F-450 4X4 pickup from National Auto Fleet Group of Watsonville, CA for $53,649.32.

  • Recommended motion:

    Approve the purchase of one (1) Super Duty F-350 4X4 pickup from National Auto Fleet Group of Watsonville, CA for $54,121.00.

  • Recommended motion:

    Approve the purchase of one Kubota F3710 lawn mower with cab attachment and two decks from Big Sky Tractor of Missoula, Montana for $44,860.00.

  • Recommended motion:

    Approve the purchase and the return of the bid bond for two (2) Snow Wolf Alpha Blowers 33-100-H from Western States Equipment of Missoula, Montana for $73,475.00 each and a total of $146,950.00 for both.

  • Recommended motion:

    Appoint Grant Melton to serve as a regular member on the Food Policy Advisory Board with a term beginning January 1, 2023 and ending on December 31, 2025.

  • Recommended motion:

    Appoint John Harrison to the Local Emergency Planning Committee for a term beginning January 1, 2023 and ending of December 31, 2024.

  • Recommended motion:

    [First reading and preliminary adoption] Set a public hearing on January 9, 2023, and preliminarily adopt an ordinance of the Missoula City Council amending Title 6, Chapter 6.07, Section 6.07.1010 entitled “Regulations concerning keeping of livestock and domestic fowl” to allow student members of 4H and Future Farmers of America (FFA) to keep market sheep, market goats and market poultry as part of a 4-H or FFA project on a parcel that is less than an acre in size subject to certain conditions and other minor amendments to reflect current laws and practices.

  • Recommended motion:

    Approve and authorize the Mayor to sign and execute an amendment to contract A8972 to increase the total not to exceed contract amount to $385,900 for the Poverello Center to provide adequate services and operations to meet high demand at the Emergency Winter Shelter.

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(Items listed under Final Consideration have had a public hearing.  The hearing was held open to allow time for additional public comment before final consideration and action by the City Council. The chairperson of the standing City Council committee will make a motion. We invite community comment on each item.)

  • Recommended motion:

    Adopt a resolution relating to Missoula Local Government Building Special District; creating the District to provide for the acquisition, ownership, improvement, maintenance, operation and administration of the Federal Building located at 200 East Broadway; and approving a related interlocal agreement with Missoula County.

  • Recommended motion:

    Approve the second substantial amendment to the City of Missoula's Program Year 2021 Annual Action Plan for Community Development Block Grants (CDBG) and  HOME Investment Partnerships Program American Rescue  Plan (HOME-ARP.)

  • Recommended motion:

    [Second and final reading] Adopt an ordinance enacting assessments for City of Missoula Park District Number 1; providing that assessments constitute revenue of the undertaking.

  • Recommended motion:

    [Second and final reading] Adopt an ordinance enacting assessments for the City of Missoula Road District Number 1; providing that assessments constitute revenue of the undertaking.

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  • Recommended motion:

    [Resolution] Adopt a resolution to annex the subject property legally described in Exhibit C, as shown on Exhibit B, and zone upon annexation to RT5.4 Residential, subject to the conditions of approval, based on the findings of fact and conclusions of law in the staff report.

  • Recommended motion:

    [Resolution] Adopt a resolution to amend the 2035 Our Missoula City Growth Policy land use designation from Residential Low to Residential Medium on portions of Tract 1 of Certificate of Survey No. 6449, as shown on Exhibit A, based on the findings of fact and conclusions of law in the staff report.

  • Recommended motion:

    [Resolution] Adopt a resolution amending the Utility Services Area Boundary to align with the parcel proposed to be zoned RT5.4 Residential (two-unit/townhouse) / NC-RT Riverfront Trails Neighborhood Character Overlay, as shown on Exhibit A of the resolution to amend the utility service area boundary, based on the findings of fact and conclusions of law in the staff report.

  • Recommended motion:

    [Second and Final Reading] Adopt an ordinance to rezone the subject property legally described in Exhibit E from R215 Residential to OP2 Open and Resource, to rezone the subject property legally described in Exhibit F from R215 Residential to RT5.4 Residential (two-unit/townhouse) / NC-RT Riverfront Trails Neighborhood Character Overlay, and to rezone the subject property legally described in Exhibit G from RT5.4 Residential to RT5.4 Residential / NC-RT Riverfront Trails Neighborhood Character Overlay, as shown on Exhibit D, based on the findings of fact and conclusions of law in the staff report.

  • Recommended motion:

    Approval of the Riverfront Trails PUD Subdivision preliminary plat application, subject to the recommended conditions of approval, based on the findings of fact and conclusions of law in the staff report.

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(State law and City Council rules set guidelines for inviting community comment in a formal way on certain issues.  Following a staff report on each item, the City Council and the Mayor invite community comment.  City Council holds a public hearing open for a week and then voting the following week, unless there is a requirement for final action on the night of the public hearing.)  

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